Accelerating through the Turn

Accelerating through the Turn

Accelerating through the Turn:
Which Electric Cars Will Get the Checkered Flag?

— Free Online Event —

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It is no secret that the global automotive landscape is undergoing a monumental transformation from internal combustion engines (ICEs) to engines using alternative, carbon-friendly fuel sources. Perhaps the most well-known of these new automobile designs is the battery-powered electric vehicle (BEV). BEVs are being chosen to drive the future (pun intended) for several key reasons. BEVs typically have better fuel economy and lower fuel costs than ICE vehicles, and their reduced carbon emissions can help achieve global sustainability goals.

The demand among consumers for BEVs continues to accelerate, and governments have jumped on the bandwagon, adopting new measures to reduce or eliminate the production of gas-powered vehicles. These market-shifting developments have ignited both established manufacturers and startups, and industry leaders are placing huge bets on an all-electric future. With over 1 billion cars on the road today, the stakes are enormous.

Understandably, these massive numbers have attracted massive amounts of capital, and companies are scrambling to take the pole position and adopt a “BEV-first” mentality. For example, Stellantis has invested a staggering $35 billion in the BEV space, and Ford has invested $20 billion to facilitate the BEV transition in its product line. Large deployments of capital can also be seen on even small BEV startups, and the transportation sector has become the fourth-largest investment sector among VCs.

In our upcoming VLAB panel discussion, thought leaders, founders, and investors will discuss the key challenges and opportunities in the BEV space and whether legacy automakers will be quick and nimble enough to keep up with or overtake the BEV startups.

  • What are the key challenges faced by BEV startups and incumbents?
  • What new incentives are governments providing to help accelerate BEV adoption?
  • Which companies have the inside track in the BEV race?

Join us on November 15 to find out.

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John McElroy, Host, Autoline Daily

Sandy Munro, Chief Executive Officer, Munro & Associates


Chris Anthony, Chief Executive Officer, Aptera

Volker Kaeser, Chief Technology Officer, Indigotech

Alexei Andreev, Managing Director, Autotech Ventures

Free admission for this online event.
Details will be sent to registered guests.

Tuesday, November 15, 2021
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
(Pacific time)

A Note about Ticket Sales

We understand that many people may be having a rough time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the tickets for this online event will be offered free of charge to anyone who is interested in attending.

Normally, ticket sales are our main source of revenue, so VLAB could really use your support. When you register for the event, please consider making a donation to help keep VLAB going.

VLAB is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. We thank you for your support and hope to see you soon.





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