Education Technology **VIDEO AVAILABLE**

Education Technology Tsunami: Common Core Disrupts K-12. Event summary available here.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Stanford University
Cemex Auditorium, Zambrano Hall | Knight Management Center
641 Knight Way
Stanford, CA

(Parking and Directions)


6:00 pm – Registration, Networking Reception & Demos
7:00 pm – Panel Discussion (Q&A)

** Online registration closed **

A massive wave of change is transforming education as personalized, data-driven, digital learning programs storm into K-12 classrooms. The Common Core, adopted by 45 US states, imposes learning and testing which adapts to a student’s ability in real time. This may be the greatest driver ever of opportunity for EdTech entrepreneurs. Companies are innovating with new technologies, data platforms and tools to conform to the Common Core. Opportunities abound in curriculum design, testing and assessment tools.
Based on research by GSV Asset Management and Candlestick Research, the 2013 US education industry at large is nearly $1.5 trillion, representing 10% of America’s GDP, the largest category after healthcare. Education technology spending alone is predicted to hit $60 billion by 2018. California’s governor has allocated $1.25 billion in the next two years just to transition to Common Core technologies.
·How can entrepreneurs best leverage this historic business opportunity?
·What are the most effective go-to-market strategies in creating a sustainable business model?
·Which companies are successfully integrating Common Core into their products and services?
·How can companies develop successful partnerships with key stakeholders, including parents, students, teachers and administrators, all of whom are trying to make best use of all these new technologies?
·How can entrepreneurs help unleash data, create new curriculums, and train teachers all the while inspiring students to achieve higher levels of learning?
According to leading education investor, Tom Vander Ark, Partner and Founder of Learn Capital: “It’s exciting to see 45 states voluntarily adopting common college and career ready expectations for students — it makes the U.S. globally competitive, is embraced by teachers, and is unleashing an avalanche of innovation.”

Tina Barseghian, Editor, Mindshift, and Senior Editor, KQED
Mick Hewitt, CEO & Co-Founder, Mastery Connect
Lane Rankin, CEO & President, Illuminate Education
Scott Drossos,
Senior Vice President 1:1 Learning, Pearson North America
Karen Lien
, Director and Partner, ImagineK12
David Reilly, Assistant Superintendent, Sequoia Union High School District
Demo Companies
Agnitus | Bloomboard | Duck Duck Moose | Front Row Classroom | Motion Math | Pathbrite
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