Parking: Parking at Stanford is free in most places after 4 pm, but can be unpredictably busy. Allow extra time in your plans to find parking. Park only in “A”, “C”, or “Visitor” designated spots after 4pm. Prior to that, parking is by permit or payment only.
Online registration is CLOSED; tickets will be available at on site registration.
Event Description:
Innovators with breakthrough technology finally meet the scale and efficiency requirements of grid level energy storage. For the first time last year, investment in renewable energy infrastructure was higher than in fossil fuel infrastructure. With grid-scale energy storage, intermittent sources of renewable energy, such as wind and solar, become viable for the grid. VLAB will examine the technology and economics to make this transformation possible.
The global market for energy storage services could be worth as much as $31.5 billion in 2017, according to Lux Research. Additionally, Pike Research forecasts that $122 billion will be invested in energy storage projects between 2011 and 2021.
Today, 99% of the global energy storage is pumped hydro, which is geographically constrained. Now entrepreneurs free us from this constraint with fundamentally new technology challenging conventional expectations of capacity, efficiency and product life.
Where are the best business opportunities for these start-ups — at green energy farms? on the grid? or at the consumer’s home or business?
What are key metrics to make this economically viable, without subsidies? Efficiency, life-time costs, Capex?
Will advances in traditional pumped hydro and compressed air prevail over battery/chemical technologies?
Which countries are leading in Energy Storage on/off the grid?
When will these new technologies become profitable?
How and when will US utility companies get on-board?
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