Partner Event: IDSA’s 2011 International Conference Community: You. Me. We.




The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) invites YOU!

Please join the international design community, thought leaders, educators, trendsetters and design icons the for IDSA’s 2011 International Conference Community: You. Me. We.

When: September 14-17, 2011
Where: New Orleans, LA

Design is undergoing a significant social transformation. Whether it’s mass organization facilitated through social media, crowd sourced product development or the increased ease with which consumers can find solutions that meet their individual needs – design is poised to become much more representational of user’s wants. Within this changing landscape the need for a professional rethink has never been greater.  


To tackle the Community theme we’ve gathered together a wide range of speakers from Web-based companies like YouTube and Kickstarter to New Orleans-based social entrepreneurs like SENO; mixed in we’ll have experts like Clay Shirky and Grant McCracken to provide insights on how consumers are shifting the conversation through engagement and participation. 

Even if you’re not interested in Community, join us anyway. New Orleans is an amazing city, there’s no party quite like it!

Speaker Topics Include:
·             DIY, for Large Values of I and Y
·             Co-creating with Humanity: Design of Open Systems
·             How Consumers Have Reshaped Research Itself
·             Computing Digital Traces for Fun and Profit
·             Culturematic: Small Machines for Making Culture
·             $1M Recipe
·             “What the f%@k just happened!?!?”: Idea to Market in Five Months
·             Quirky: Inventing Together
·             Kickstarter: The Power of Storytelling
·             The Evolution of Social Entrepreneurship in New Orleans
·             From Park Bench to Satellite: Designing from the Ground Up
·             The NOCCA Four-Part Design & Jazz Slam
·             The Community of Us

Register July 7-22 and you will automatically be entered in a drawing to have your conference registration and hotel stay entirely paid for by IDSA!** 



Check out the complete list of Conference rates and REGISTER TODAY!  


** One winner will be chosen from all paid registrations received by IDSA for the 2011 International Conference between July 7 and midnight EST July 22, 2011. By accepting the prize, the winner agrees that IDSA may use his/her name, likeness, and general geographic information, as well as a quote about the Conference provided by the winner in future promotional materials. Prize includes specifically 1 complete conference registration (winner shall be reimbursed by IDSA for any fees paid upon registration) and accommodation basic fees and use taxes for one individual at The Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans for arrival on Wednesday September 14 and departure on Sunday September 18, 2011. Winner shall be responsible for any incidental or additional charges associated with the reservation and will retain liability for any damages which they incur to the room.






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