Parking:Parking at Stanford is free in most places after 4 pm, but can be unpredictably busy. Allow extra time in your plans to find parking. Park only in "A", "C", or "Visitor" designated spots after 4pm. Prior to that, parking is by permit or payment only.
Each iteration of the Silicon Valley cycle begets a new generation of ideas and challenges; among them are the young and the bold.
For example, Peter Thiel’s “stop going to college and create a business” program has taken off early in 2011 with 24 fellows announced. These young minds are offered $100,000 and 2 years of freedom to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.
Join us for a discussion with some of the youngest and most promising minds to reveal their perspectives on the latest technology trends, building startups in the economic turmoil, and the challenges and opportunities associated with being a young entrepreneur.
Some of the key questions we’ll explore include:
How are today’s youngest entrepreneurs thinking about the current environment and where are they focusing their talents?
How can youth and "inexperience" be turned from a liability into an asset?
Isn’t there a risk in starting too young?
Our past panels on Young Entrepreneurs in 2009 and 2007 include knock-out, homerun startups.
Ram Shriram – Founder of Sherpalo Ventures
Daniel Gross – Co-Founder of
Matt MacInnis – Founder & CEO of
Eden Full – Founder of Roseicollis, a Thiel Fellow