Internet of Things

An Interview with Smart Building Event Co-Chair Josh Bradshaw

An Interview with Smart Building Event Co-Chair Josh Bradshaw Monique Hodgkinson, VLAB Marketing Co-Chair, recently caught up with Josh Bradshaw, Co-chair for the VLAB Smart Building event on Feb 16, 2016, to talk about the event.   Monique: First, some background. How long have you been involved with VLAB?   Josh: The first VLAB event [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:10-07:00 February 4th, 2016|Blog, Events, Smart Buildings|Comments Off on An Interview with Smart Building Event Co-Chair Josh Bradshaw

Hugo Fiennes: The Road to Electric Imp

VLAB refers to noteworthy entrepreneurs like Hugo Fiennes as luminaries. He’s been a serial entrepreneur with histories at both innovative startups and large, well known corporations. Now he leads Electric Imp, a venture-funded startup that enables the internet of things. The path to “noteworthy luminary,” however, is seldom short or easy. Hugo’s path was no [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 October 13th, 2014|Entrepreneur Spotlight, Internet of Things, VLAB|Comments Off on Hugo Fiennes: The Road to Electric Imp