
  • Ambient IQ: Intelligence Anywhere and Everywhere

    “If Terminex uses connected mousetraps… they could send [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][staff] directly to traps that have experienced a “Downed Mouse Event… They no longer have to send staff to empty mousetraps. ” -Hugo Fiennes,…

  • Fashion Tech Improves Personalized Style and Fit

    Great preview to our Tuesday, April 18th, VLAB Event on Fashion Technologies that are Personalizing Fit and Style – Think bespoke for the masses! Click on the following link to learn more and register today:

  • Innovations in Food Technology

    Innovations in Food Technology

    At VLAB’s February 2014 event on “Where’s the Beef: Startups Disrupting the Food Chain,” moderator Stacy Feld, Partner at Physic Ventures, broke the ice with a survey. Only one vegan raised her hand. “How many of you are meat eaters?” Over half the crowd. “Vegetarians?” Less than half. “Vegans? … Well at least we have one.”…

  • Young Entrepreneurs Are Human, Need Guidance, and Will Succeed By Force Of Will

    Young Entrepreneurs Are Human, Need Guidance, and Will Succeed By Force Of Will

    Adam Draper, moderator of the recent VLAB event on Young Entrepreneurs, had his work cut out for him. We may as well call him “Wrangler.” His panelists, through sheer force of personality, turned a collaborative Q and A into a Gen Y style debate. Or perhaps spirited and civil “battle of wits” would be more…

  • VLAB Reflections on 2013, Looking Ahead to 2014

    Specials thanks to each of you for your continual support of VLAB and for making 2013 another successful year! As we transition into 2014, we hope you will join us on January 21st as we kick off the new year with Young Entrepreneurs: Under 30 and On Fire followed by our February 18th event on Lab-created Eco-foods…

  • 4 Ways Driverless Cars will Disrupt the World

    Forget about self-parking vehicles, hands-free highway travel, and automatic braking. Driverless cars could change the entire car industry, car ownership, and anything connected to transportation. What’s more, such vehicles should arrive by the end of this decade.   “Disruptive innovations… don’t attempt to bring better products to established customers… they are simpler, more convenient, and…

  • Why Public Privacy Matters More Than Big Data

    Why Public Privacy Matters More Than Big Data

    If you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product… Let’s not do that.” – Phil Zimmerman, Creator, PGP “What’s wrong with the current system is not that we are Google’s users; we are google’s product.” – Jacques Benkoski, Partner, USVP As the data industry blazes ahead, few stop and think of the…

  • Revolutionizing Aerospace: For The Non-Rocket Scientists

    Revolutionizing Aerospace: For The Non-Rocket Scientists

    Panelists contend that innovators from other industries can disrupt aerospace the same way Apple overturned music distribution. “You have to know absolutely nothing about helicopters to work with a company like Sikorsky,” said Jonathan Hartman, Disruptive Technologies Lead of Sikorsky Innovations. His statement set the tone for VLAB’s aerospace event on September 24. Two other…

  • Greetings from the 2013-2014 VLAB Executive Committee!

    Greetings from the 2013-2014 VLAB Executive Committee! As we head into our 23rd season, we are looking forward to welcoming you into our community of over 25,000 Bay Area influencers.  We have a fantastic line up of events planned for the year ahead.  Starting off on Tuesday, September 17th, we will explore how the adoption of…