
About Michelle McIntyre

I'm a PR and social media consultant for software and other tech start-ups and VCS in the U.S., Canada and Europe. I've served 22 clients, mostly in IoT, artificial intelligence, print management, consumer apps, and digital transformation since I went into business for myself in 2013. I'm proud of my 11 awards for outstanding results, mostly from IBM. I was there for 16 years before starting a consulting firm. I was the 2017 VLAB Volunteer of the Year and on the executive team of TEDxSanJoseCA,. I'm a former executive board member of both SVIABC and the Sixth District PTA board (50k members working to enhance the lives of Silicon Valley children). I have a BSJ degree in Journalism from Ohio University's E.W. Scripps School of Journalism with a major in PR. I take PR refresher classes at Stanford U from time to time. @FromMichelle on Twitter
Award-winning Tech PR Consultant

Getting Personal: How Mobile Deep Linking Helps Put Cash Back into the Pockets of Consumers

Image Courtesy of Wanderful Media One of the most widely shared goals of mobile technology providers is to create a more personal, more direct, and more relevant connection with each and every consumer. Mobile deep linking, a recent innovation that provides links to content across apps, may hold the key to unlocking the untapped [...]

By |2017-05-18T17:47:10-07:00November 3rd, 2015|Events, Mobile Deep Linking|Comments Off on Getting Personal: How Mobile Deep Linking Helps Put Cash Back into the Pockets of Consumers

Drone Swarms Poised To Invade Stanford Campus

Attendees of VLAB’s Drone Swarms: The Buzz of the Future event will experience the invasion themselves on Stanford’s campus. Liquid Robotic SV3 Wave Gliders on their way to launch A massive change is taking place in the industry with commercial applications of drone swarms. These groups of mostly autonomous, robotic devices are [...]

By |2017-06-29T13:54:16-07:00October 12th, 2015|Blog, Drone Swarms|Comments Off on Drone Swarms Poised To Invade Stanford Campus
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