
About VLAB Webmaster

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So far VLAB Webmaster has created 31 blog entries.

Watch How Drone Swarms Build a Bridge

OK, so you've seen drones flying in parks or at the beach, heard news stories about the drone that crashed into the stands at the U.S. Open tennis match, or even consumers that inadvertently interfere with wildfire emergency response. Flown by remote control or using a smartphone for control, these consumer drones are distant cousins [...]

By | 2015-09-22T23:57:06-07:00 September 22nd, 2015|Drone Swarms|Comments Off on Watch How Drone Swarms Build a Bridge

VLAB Moderator, Rob Leclerc, Crowns AgTech the “New Queen of Green”

Rob LeClerc, Founder of AgFunder Dr. Rob Leclerc is the cofounder of AgFunder, the premier online marketplace connecting accredited investors with quality Ag related companies from around the globe in this $6.4 Trillion industry. According to Leclerc, investment in AgTech was relatively flat before 2013. Innovation in agriculture was concentrated in seed and [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:11-07:00 September 14th, 2015|AgTech, Events|Comments Off on VLAB Moderator, Rob Leclerc, Crowns AgTech the “New Queen of Green”

John Deere Executive Offers Sound Advice for AgTech Entrepreneurs

SeedStar technology at work. Image courtesy of John Deere Over the next 35 years, the world population is expected to increase by nearly one-third — more than 2 billion people. Providing enough food for these folks, with about the same amount of land and probably less water, is a huge challenge that needs [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:11-07:00 September 14th, 2015|AgTech|Comments Off on John Deere Executive Offers Sound Advice for AgTech Entrepreneurs

OnFarm Systems CEO Joins AgTech Panel

VLAB is pleased to welcome Lance Donny, Founder and CEO of OnFarm Systems, to our stage  on Sept. 15. Donny grew up on a farm in California where his family grew table grapes. After college, he spent 20 years in software before coming back to AgTech.  After realizing that many farmers were having a hard [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:11-07:00 September 7th, 2015|AgTech, Events|Comments Off on OnFarm Systems CEO Joins AgTech Panel

VLAB Welcomes KPCB Partner to AgTech Panel

We are pleased to welcome Brook Porter from Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers  to the panel for our upcoming event, AgTech: Sand Hill Bets on Precision Agriculture. As a partner in KPCB’s Green Growth Fund, Porter supports young companies that are creating sustainable solutions by developing disruptive technology. Porter’s knowledge of environmental technology will provide [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:11-07:00 September 1st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on VLAB Welcomes KPCB Partner to AgTech Panel

CEO of Blue River Technology Joins AgTech Panel

image courtesy Silicon Valley Business Journal We are pleased to have Jorge Heraud, CEO of Blue River Technology,  as a panelist for our first event of the season. Join us on September 15 for AgTech: Sandhill Bets on Precision Agriculture.   Blue River has a great story that you won’t want to miss and registration [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:11-07:00 August 30th, 2015|AgTech, Events|Comments Off on CEO of Blue River Technology Joins AgTech Panel

Big Data from Space: Actionable Intelligence on Earth

“Space is no longer being defined by larger, more established companies, but rather new companies that are extending the boundaries.” Amaresh Kollipara The Industry Value Chain On Dec 7, 1972, the Apollo 17 crew took the first picture of the whole Earth, entitled “The Blue Marble.” The industry involving space has evolved greatly since that [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 November 3rd, 2014|Aerospace, Blog, Event Summary, VLAB|1 Comment

Click to Fit: How Startups are Personalizing Fashion

http://youtu.be/kI_o3ls_mNo Scalable Fashion and Personalization. What is personalization? Fabric? Check. Tailor? Check. Fashion, particularly men’s fashion, started out highly personalized. After choosing fabric from a vast selection, the clothes were tailored to a perfect fit, after which personalized changes could be made to the design before the product was hand delivered. By the late 18th [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 May 4th, 2014|Fashion|Comments Off on Click to Fit: How Startups are Personalizing Fashion

Self-Driving Vehicles – Startups (Already) on the Road

The big question: Are we there yet? Thilo Koslowski,  the panel moderator, is truly a pioneer in the automotive industry. He has been an active participant in industry since 1997, starting the automotive division at Gartner - 16 years ago before becoming their Vice President & Automotive Practice Leader. Gartner serves as the largest technology advisory [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:13-07:00 December 31st, 2013|Autonomous Vehicles|Comments Off on Self-Driving Vehicles – Startups (Already) on the Road