Freedom Defined by a Volunteer Event Chair

As an all-volunteer organization, VLAB has the “best of the best” greeting you at events, putting together thought-provoking panels, and working behind the scenes to make it all run smoothly. This week, we caught up with Anshuman Tripathi, Event Chair for  "The Future of Transportation: Freeways or Flyways?" at SRI International on November 15, 2016 [...]

By | 2016-11-14T20:10:14-08:00 October 25th, 2016|Uncategorized, Volunteers|Comments Off on Freedom Defined by a Volunteer Event Chair

Nathan Yi: Chatbots Event Chair and Volunteer Extraordinaire

As a 100% volunteer organization, VLAB is fortunate to have amazing volunteers helping out across the organization.  This week, we caught up with Nathan Yi, Event Chair for Chatbots: The Machines Are Talking Back, about his volunteer experience. Here's what Nathan had to say: Who is Nathan Yi? I'm a Bay Area native, an average guy doing [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:09-07:00 September 12th, 2016|Uncategorized, VLAB|Comments Off on Nathan Yi: Chatbots Event Chair and Volunteer Extraordinaire

Founders’ Series Special Guest Ann Winblad Talks About Her Hero

Parents are often the source of inspiration that leads to success. This was the case for prominent venture capitalist Ann Winblad, Founding Partner at Hummer Winblad Venture Partners. Winblad was the oldest daughter of a winning coach. When asked about her hero, she named her father, a high school basketball coach who passed away five [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:10-07:00 March 29th, 2016|Founders' Series|Comments Off on Founders’ Series Special Guest Ann Winblad Talks About Her Hero

Drone Swarms Poised To Invade Stanford Campus

Attendees of VLAB’s Drone Swarms: The Buzz of the Future event will experience the invasion themselves on Stanford’s campus. Liquid Robotic SV3 Wave Gliders on their way to launch A massive change is taking place in the industry with commercial applications of drone swarms. These groups of mostly autonomous, robotic devices are [...]

By | 2017-06-29T13:54:16-07:00 October 12th, 2015|Blog, Drone Swarms|Comments Off on Drone Swarms Poised To Invade Stanford Campus

Big Data from Space: Actionable Intelligence on Earth

“Space is no longer being defined by larger, more established companies, but rather new companies that are extending the boundaries.” Amaresh Kollipara The Industry Value Chain On Dec 7, 1972, the Apollo 17 crew took the first picture of the whole Earth, entitled “The Blue Marble.” The industry involving space has evolved greatly since that [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 November 3rd, 2014|Aerospace, Blog, Event Summary, VLAB|1 Comment

Hugo Fiennes: The Road to Electric Imp

VLAB refers to noteworthy entrepreneurs like Hugo Fiennes as luminaries. He’s been a serial entrepreneur with histories at both innovative startups and large, well known corporations. Now he leads Electric Imp, a venture-funded startup that enables the internet of things. The path to “noteworthy luminary,” however, is seldom short or easy. Hugo’s path was no [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 October 13th, 2014|Entrepreneur Spotlight, Internet of Things, VLAB|Comments Off on Hugo Fiennes: The Road to Electric Imp

Algorithm Alchemy: Turning Talent Search Into Gold

How much do companies spend on people? Trillions of dollars… Winning or losing your market is based on whether or not you have not just good, but amazing people. -Dan Shapero, VP of Talent Solutions, LinkedIn As of today, no one’s found a scalable* way to provide general recruiting options. So far a cadre of startups [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 July 16th, 2014|VLAB|Comments Off on Algorithm Alchemy: Turning Talent Search Into Gold

Click to Fit: How Startups are Personalizing Fashion

http://youtu.be/kI_o3ls_mNo Scalable Fashion and Personalization. What is personalization? Fabric? Check. Tailor? Check. Fashion, particularly men’s fashion, started out highly personalized. After choosing fabric from a vast selection, the clothes were tailored to a perfect fit, after which personalized changes could be made to the design before the product was hand delivered. By the late 18th [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 May 4th, 2014|Fashion|Comments Off on Click to Fit: How Startups are Personalizing Fashion

Ambient IQ: Intelligence Anywhere and Everywhere

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXwo8Zc78o0 "If Terminex uses connected mousetraps… they could send [staff] directly to traps that have experienced a “Downed Mouse Event… They no longer have to send staff to empty mousetraps. ” -Hugo Fiennes, Co-Founder and CEO, Electric Imp Early-Stage Connection Imagine if Home-brew Computer Club members of the 1980’s took their products directly to market [...]

By | 2017-05-18T17:47:12-07:00 April 7th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Ambient IQ: Intelligence Anywhere and Everywhere